Before you sell your jewelry, you must have a good purchase bill from the respective store. Many times, customers lose their receipts and then the trouble will start. If you think of selling any kind of jewelry without the receipt can cause a loss of actual jewelry value.


Non-authentic jewelry or counter shops take advantage of the situation, and they will offer a low price for your precious metals gold in New York. And, thus it is necessary to have your purchase receipts. If you cannot find the receipts, you can contact your respective store where you brought that jewelry. Numerous stores keep the bill in their database, and thus you can ask for a duplicate copy of the invoice. 



To get the most out of your gold, you must know the gold price online. You should constantly check the gold rate on a day-to-day basis; it will keep you updated on the gold prices if the prices are getting high or low. It would be best to wait until the gold prices are constantly getting dropped; it is possible that you might lose great money while selling your valuable gold articles. It is straightforward to check the gold rates online; it gives you an idea of the correct time to sell precious metals in New York


Gold value depends upon the carat value, and there are times when they might have different carat gold. Thus, it is essential to check those gold items as per the carat value. It will help you to understand the actual value before selling any gold item. It is crucial to weigh your gold items because a local gold buyer can cheat you in terms of weight. You can weigh from the micro digital weighing scale. Keep the record of this with safety. 

For more information -

Call -  212-840-0415


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